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Better Together

"The strength of our community lies in uniting our people in the protection of our environment and creating opportunities for all to thrive and grow in our beautiful region. We are committed to job creation, conservation and sustainable living in all regions of the Garden Route."

101 Opportunities to Sustain our Community and Protect Our Natural Heritage for Future Generations.

Our Mission

Our mission is to unite and educate the Garden Route community in the protection and preservation of our natural resources, while providing ground level job opportunities and promoting local businesses.

The Garden Route 101 website is set to become the “GO TO” resource for local businesses to advertise, share their stories and promote their services. through our comprehensive web portal. Our goal is to empower the community through marketing their locally made goods and services under the Garden Route 101 banner, creating positive change, growth and job opportunities for everyone in the region.


Join us and secure our resources for future generations.


People committed to conservation in the Garden Route

Meet the Eco Warriors

Our mission is to empower people everywhere to create the change they want to see, using the tools available to unite our fight to protect the environment and in particular the Save George Dam project located at Erf 464, George - Garden Route Dam.

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Garden Route 101

Participant - Save the Garden Route Dam Initiative

At the Landmark Leopard & Predator Project, South Africa is a national conservation NGO promoting and facilitating conservation land uses. The Leopard & Predator Project was established in response to human-predator conflict on farms in South Africa.

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Landmark Foundation

Environmental NPO

Bool Smuts practices as a sustainable development expert, with environmental management, socio-economic development and environmental auditing and risk management expertise. He has special interests in renewable energies, protected areas development and management, tourism, species conservation, resource utilisation, and related conservation economy development. He focuses on the initiation of large projects and developing innovative models to expand, consolidate, commercialise and manage conservation areas and initiatives, and related socio-economic development. Director Landmark Foundation, Environmental Manager, Environmentalist, Project Manager, Fundraiser and Medical Doctor, B.Sc., MBChB, DCH, MPhil (Environmental Management)

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Dr Bool Smuts

Director - Landmark Foundation

WESSA is a membership-based organisation and, throughout South Africa, our members initiate environmental projects and organise educational events and activities in their local communities. By joining WESSA, you will be helping to provide valuable support for these volunteer initiatives and will be part of a growing environmental network operating at a grassroots community level via our branches, partners, business members, affiliates and friends groups. The Eden branch organises talks and outings. The emphasis is on visiting environmental organisations and donating the funds raised directly to the host organisation.

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Environmental NPO

iNaturalist helps you identify the plants and animals around you. Get connected with a community of over a million scientists and naturalists who can help you learn more about nature! What’s more, by recording and sharing your observations, you’ll create research quality data for scientists working to better understand and protect nature. iNaturalist is a joint initiative by the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society.

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iNaturalist - Connect with Nature online !

Environmental Resource

The organisation focuses on flora and fauna and is a registered Nature Reserve. Through conserving rare and threatened plant species we create habitats that conserve the fauna. The Garden Route Botanical Garden is a Public Benefiting Organization aimed at the conservation of the unique flora of the Southern cape region. This is achieved through raising awareness of its beauty through our living plant collections, education, scientific research and outreach programmes.

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Garden Route Botanical Garden

Environmental Resource

The Custodians of Rare and Endangered Wildflowers (CREW) programme is a citizen science initiative that involves members of the South African public in the surveying, monitoring and conservation of plants. Founded in 2003, as a collaboration between SANBI and the Botanical Society of South Africa, CREW operates in priority parts of the South African landscape.

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CREW Outramps

Environmental Resource

It is hard to believe that less than a century ago this green heart of Knysna had been reduced to a brickfield and thereafter used as a dumping ground, which sullied the once clear streams. Concerned townsfolk were instrumental in having the Reserve proclaimed and negotiated a long term lease with the Knysna Municipality. What followed was a concerted and eventually highly successful, attempt to eradicate alien vegetation and restore the place to its original natural splendour. An officer of the South African Botanical Society pointed out that "Pledge's situation so near to the Town's centre made the Reserve both unique and of such value to Knysna that it should never be underestimated."

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Pledge Nature Reserve

Environmental NPO

featured ECO GROUPS