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Garden Route 101
Better Together

We are committed to conservation in the Garden Route, join us and share your vision for sustainable development in the Garden Route. Our focus is on water security, rehabilitation and defending our natural heritage against future unchecked development.

Please send your pics, information or links to us for possible inclusion on this website.
We welcome all contributions.

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Enquiries - Save George Dam
Email: savegeorgedam@gmail.con

Save the Leopard - Save the Dam

Save our environment for future generations.

The local municipality proposes a massive development with a footprint of 118.5 hectares in the area surrounding the entire region's major water source at the George dam, undoubtedly placing a sustainable, clean water supply in jeopardy and severely impacting this green corridor at the outskirts of our town.
Many are unaware of the local Municipality's intention to establish a campus for tertiary education, student housing for 1000 students as well a research institute or academy and hotel, group housing and apartments, free-standing residential housing, sports fields, and roads.