Disclaimer Notice: Garden Route101 | Better Together
Our mission is to empower people everywhere to create the change they want to see, using the tools available to unite our fight to protect the environment whilst taking care to protect your privacy and security online. Our Privacy Policy outlines how we obtain information from you and what we do with it. The content of this site is for information purposes only, details relating to any actions, protests, product or news listings is deemed accurate and provided by stakeholders to the website owner. Our services are not directed to people under the age of sixteen (16), and we do not knowingly collect personal information from them. All photographs, artworks, rich media, graphics & information displayed on this domain / web site are copyrighted by the photographers, artists, authors & webmaster. Unless otherwise indicated, it is illegal to use, duplicate, transfer, download or copy any documents, photographs, images and/or information for any purpose without the written consent of the Artist, Photographer, Author and/or Webmaster.
By entering this web site, you automatically acknowledge having read and understood and agree to abide by our privacy statement.
We and our service providers may use your information for our legitimate business interests in providing a platform enabling people to connect with issues of interest. When you provide information to us, you declare that such information is truthful, that you have the legal right to share it, and that you are aware of the risks associated with sharing personal data concerning third parties. All personal information you provide on our platform (such as objections to petitions, reasons for registering and signing a petition) will remain confidential to the website administrators as well as the third party recipients of any email correspondence automatically generated in the registration as interested and affected parties,complaints and objections with regard to issues raised on this site.
Your posts and comments on our social media platforms will be visible to other users. If you choose to send messages or connect with others through our platform about petitions you have signed or shared, you disclose your personal information to the recipient of your message. Our platform provides an open forum for communication by users all around the world. We do not monitor, verify, or perform any background check on campaign starters, petition signers, or other users of gardenroute101.co.za.
An online petition is considered a public expression of support for an issue and where required your name, general geographic location (ie town, city, country), email address/other personal information provided voluntarily during the submission of a complaint or registration as an interested and affected party will be shared with the platform administrators as well as a third party recipient (such as the Environmental Impact Assessment team).
Your details captured via our online submission form will be shared with the administrators of gardenroute101 as well as those appointed to manage and coordinate the registration process in order to demonstrate the legitimacy of their signatures to the decision-makers we are working to influence. Your Registration will be shared with the organisation handling the Environmental Impact Assessment report on behalf of the George Municipality in order to complete the Registration as an interest and affected party. If you do not wish to have this information shared with the petition recipient, you should not sign the petition.
If you sign a petition started by an NGO or other organisation, you will be presented with the option of sharing your email address with that NGO or organisation to receive direct email updates from them (not via the gardenroute101.co.za platform) should you choose to provide your consent for such sharing. Enabling our users to interact directly with organisations, if those users consent to this connection, is part of our goal of helping people to stay informed on the causes that matter to them. We may revoke an organisation’s access to this option in response to reports of abuse.
The information on and from this site (including any news / RSS feed) is provided free and 'as is', and whilst believed to be correct, it is in no way comprehensive. No liability is accepted therefore for any errors, or for any losses that may be incurred if any such information is relied on.
The information on and from this site is not intended to form the basis of or to create or be part of a contractual relationship. Any services that you may request and that Garden Route 101 may agree to provide will be the subject of a separate formal contract. The rights of the owners of the trade marks appearing on these pages are acknowledged.
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The content of this site is for information purposes only. Details relating to any product or news listings is accurate and are provided by the website owner. All photographs, artworks, graphics & information displayed on this domain / web site are copyrighted by the photographers, artists, authors & webmaster. It is illegal to use, duplicate, transfer, download or copy any of these photographs, images and/or information for any purpose without the written consent of the Artist, Photographer, Author and/or Webmaster. By entering this web site, you automatically acknowledge having read and understood the above, and agree to abide by the above statement.