This notice serves to notify all interested parties of the following:
On 24 November 2022 the Council of the City of George determined, in terms of the George Municipality Water Services By-Law to Limit or Restrict the Use of Water that enhanced Water Restrictions as provided below will be implemented, and Emergency Tariffs as published in the George Municipality’s List of Tariffs, 2022/23 will be charged as per the Water Tariffs, Section 2.
Name: Mrs. Desiree Du Preez
Business phone: +27 82 922 3180
Mobile: +27 82 922 3180
Email Enquiry:
This notice serves to notify all interested parties of the following:
On 24 November 2022 the Council of the City of George determined, in terms of the George Municipality Water Services By-Law to Limit or Restrict the Use of Water that enhanced Water Restrictions as provided below will be implemented, and Emergency Tariffs as published in the George Municipality’s List of Tariffs, 2022/23 will be charged as per the Water Tariffs, Section 2.
The 2022/23 Tariff List makes provision for fines as referred to in the above restrictions, as follows:
Water restrictions: Admission of guilt fines are in accordance with Section 6, read with section 4 of the Water Services By-law to Limit or Restrict the Use of Water, and AS PER MAGISTRATE’S TARIFFS.
Emergency tariffs to be implemented:
Consumption per month | Domestic: Indigent Households: Emergency Tariff
(1400) A |
Domestic: Emergency Tariff
(1401) A |
Industries / Businesses with consumption <100kl/ day Emergency tariff (1402)
A |
0-6kl | FREE | FREE | R19,44 /kl |
> 6-15kl | R19,44 /kl | R19,44 /kl | R19,44 /kl |
> 15-20kl | R25,28 /kl | R25,28 /kl | R25,28 /kl |
> 20-30kl | R39,18 /kl | R39,18 /kl | R37,93 /kl |
> 30-50kl | R68,55 /kl | R68,55 /kl | R45,50 /kl |
>50kl | R137,07 /kl | R137,07 /kl | R52,33 /kl |
Areas with high water pressure and/or high consumption will be identified for the installation of pressure reduction and/or flow reduction mechanisms, including individual properties in the case of violations of the water restrictions. The cost of the device and the installation thereof will be for the cost of the violator, except for registered Indigents where devices will be installed free of charge.
On properties where use is made of own water, e.g. from a borehole or rain water tank, a clear notice with the words “OWN WATER” must be displayed on the property.
The above-mentioned water restrictions and emergency water tariffs will be applicable for water usage as from the date of final publication.
The public is herewith invited to provide their comments to Ms Sam Gcagcaso at or to deliver hand written submissions to the Directorate: Civil Engineering Services, Old Town Hall, corner of York and Market Streets, GEORGE, or to the closest area office.
All comments are to be submitted by 16h30 on Monday 12 December 2022.
All comments will be considered before the final Water Restrictions are approved by Council of the George Municipality.
The co-operation of all users of municipal water is essential and is appreciated greatly.
Report contraventions of the current Water Restrictions on 0800 424477 – fines apply.
Report all water leaks on 044 801 9262/66 or A/ h 044 801 6300
Water Leaks can also be reported at your nearest Area Office or Thusong Centre, emailed to or reported via the Municipal App.
Hierdie kennisgewing dien om alle belanghebbende partye van die volgende in kennis te stel:
Op 24 November 2022 het die Raad van die Stad George, ingevolge die George Munisipale Waterdienste-verordening om die Gebruik van Water te Beperk, bepaal dat verbeterde waterbeperkings soos hieronder verskaf geïmplementeer sal word, en Noodtariewe soos gepubliseer in die George Munisipaliteit se Tariewelys 2022/23 gehef sal word volgens die Watertariewe, Afdeling 2.
Die 2022/23-Tariewelys maak voorsiening vir boetes soos na verwys in die bogenoemde beperkings, soos volg:
Waterbeperkings: Erkenning van skuld boetes is in ooreenstemming met Artikel 6, gelees met artikel 4 van die Waterdienste-verordening om die Gebruik van Water te Beperk, en SOOS PER LANDDROS TARIEWE.
Verbruik per maand | Huishoudelik: Deernis Huishoudings: Nood Tarief
(1400) |
Huishoudelik: Nood Tarief
(1401) |
Nywerhede / Besighede met verbruik <100kl/ dag Nood Tarief (1402)
A |
0-6kl | GRATIS | GRATIS | R19,44 /kl |
> 6-15kl | R19,44 /kl | R19,44 /kl | R19,44 /kl |
> 15-20kl | R25,28 /kl | R25,28 /kl | R25,28 /kl |
> 20-30kl | R39,18 /kl | R39,18 /kl | R37,93 /kl |
> 30-50kl | R68,55 /kl | R68,55 /kl | R45,50 /kl |
>50kl | R137,07 /kl | R137,07 /kl | R52,33 /kl |
ALLE ANDER VERBRUIKERS: Gepubliseerde tarief x 1.5
Gebiede met hoë waterdruk en/of hoë verbruik sal geïdentifiseer word vir die installering van drukvermindering- en/of vloeibeheer meganismes, insluitend individuele eiendomme in die geval van oortredings van die waterbeperkings. Die koste van die toestel en die installering daarvan sal van die oortreder verhaal word, behalwe vir geregistreerde Deernis huishoudings waar toestelle gratis geïnstalleer sal word.
Op eiendomme waar van eie water gebruik gemaak word, bv. vanaf ‘n boorgat of reënwatertenk moet ‘n duidelike kennisgewing met die woorde “EIE WATER” op die eiendom vertoon word.
Bogenoemde waterbeperkings en nood watertariewe van toepassing wees vanaf die datum van finale publikasie. .
Die publiek word hiermee uitgenooi om hul kommentaar aan Me Sam Gcagcaso te verskaf by of om handgeskrewe voorleggings te lewer aan die Direktoraat: Siviele Ingenieursdienste, Ou Stadsaal, hoek van York- en Markstraat, GEORGE, of aan die naaste area kantoor.
Alle kommentare moet teen 16h30 op Maandag 12 Desember 2022 ingedien word.
Alle kommentare sal oorweeg word voordat die finale Waterbeperkings deur die Raad van die George Munisipaliteit goedgekeur word.
Die samewerking van alle verbruikers van munisipale water is noodsaaklik en word opreg waardeer.
Rapporteer oortredings van die huidige Waterbeperkings by 0800 424477 – boetes geld.
Rapporteer alle waterlekke by 044 801 9262/66 of N/u 044 801 6300.
Waterlekke kan ook by jou naaste Areakantoor of Thusong-sentrum aangemeld word, per e-pos aan gestuur word of via die Munisipale App aangemeld word.
Name: Mrs. Desiree Du Preez
Business phone: +27 82 922 3180
Mobile: +27 82 922 3180
Email Enquiry:
The new Stormwater By-law focuses on stormwater drainage from domestic as well as trade (business and industrial) premises including open areas discharging to the George Municipality stormwater system and natural streams or rivers.
Issued George Municipality, 2 May 2023 for immediate release
Stormwater management was previously dealt with under the George Municipality Water and Sanitation Services By-law and the By-law Relating to Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places. The need for a separate By-law which deals exclusively with stormwater management was therefore identified. The purpose of the by-law is to regulate stormwater management and activities that may have an adverse impact on the development, operation and maintenance of the stormwater system.
The draft Stormwater By-Law notice will be published in the George Herald, on the Municipal Website and municipal social media sites. The document will be available on our website, follow this link copies will be provided at all public libraries in George for review. Feedback is required within 30 days. We encourage the residents of George to keep an eye out for the notices and to provide input. Once the input has been received from the public and addressed, the final by-law then goes back to Council for approval. Comments and inputs can be emailed to Lionel Daniels, phoned in to 044 801 9111 or submitted in person at the Civil Engineering Services Building, Corner of York and Market Street, George,6530
George Municipality Civil Engineering - Storm Water
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